Delegitimizing Cannabis Because of Its Recreational Use is the Real Lie

Delegitimizing Cannabis Because of Its Recreational Use is the Real Lie


Sherry Yafai, MD

Published in Emergency Medical News

October 2020


Five years ago, I too may have espoused opinions that medical marijuana was a lie, but after continual experiences in the ED and talking to cancer and geriatric patients, I found that Cannabis could be a tool to reduce patient suffering.

I began researching Cannabis and speaking with patients to understand more about this unusual plant, and I was compelled to change my perspective. I sincerely believe my colleagues can (and I urge them to) do the same: Listen to patients and other respected physicians who are seeing patients who use Cannabis and read the research. You may be surprised.


Open Access


doi: 10.1097/01.EEM.0000719140.02630.89


Yafai, S. (2020). Delegitimizing: Cannabis: Because of Its Recreational Use is the Real Lie. Emergency Medicine News, 42(10), 3-4.