Table 2 Descriptions of frequently consumed Cannabis flower chemovar index codes


Jacob Miguel Vigil, Sarah See Stith, Franco Brockelman, Keenan Keeling & Branden Hall


February 8, 2023


Little is known about the frequency with which different combinations of phytochemicals (chemovars) arise in Cannabis flower or whether common chemovars are associated with distinct pharmacodynamics and patient health outcomes. This study created a clinically relevant, user-friendly, scalable chemovar indexing system summarizing primary cannabinoid and terpene contents and tested whether the most frequently consumed chemovars differ in their treatment effectiveness and experienced side effects.



Vigil, J. M., Stith, S. S., Brockelman, F., Keeling, K., & Hall, B. (2023). Systematic combinations of major cannabinoid and terpene contents in Cannabis flower and patient outcomes: a proof-of-concept assessment of the Vigil Index of Cannabis Chemovars. Journal of Cannabis Research, 5(1), 1-9.