The Case for Cannabis


Yafai, Sherry MD


April 12, 2023


EPs are trained to treat medication-related toxicities. I was fortunate enough to have a toxicology rotation in my residency program, where snake bites and overdose consults were standard. Learning how individuals overdose and die by suicide really is something that should have a psychologic screening before a rotation.

But I digress. Toxicology is a cornerstone of emergency medicine. We are strong and capable of treating these issues when they land in our EDs, but we often lack follow-up and prevention. What happens after a patient comes in with acetaminophen toxicity? We treat the patient, often report it to poison control, and then discharge or admit. But does the manufacturing company know of these issues? At which point is it their responsibility to address the toxicity and then change or be held accountable?


DOI: 10.1097/01.EEM.0000931332.23658.b5


Yafai, S. (2023). The Case for Cannabis: Dosing Causes: Cannabis: Confusion. Emergency Medicine News, 45(4A), 10-1097.