Confronting The Harms Caused By Racism In Perinatal Drug Testing
Today, you are the doctor in the well-baby nursery. As you walk from one hospital room to the next, talking with new parents, most of your patients are healthy. Your job is to ensure that rare but serious health problems don’t go undetected before these babies go home with their parents. As you walk by the nurses’ station, a nurse pulls you aside.
“The baby in room 7 is jittery,” she tells you. “And he just seems fussy. The resident had me check his blood sugar and calcium levels. Both were normal.”
You stand silent for an extra beat, waiting to see what else the nurse might say.
“Has anyone asked the mom how she thinks her baby is doing?” You say this because a parent’s perspective always matters.
“I don’t know,” the nurse offers.
“Thank you for letting me know your concerns. Let me go look at him.”
You knock, open the door, sit down beside this mother, and offer congratulations on the birth of her child. You ask if you can examine him.