Cannabidiol enhances cytotoxicity of anti-cancer drugs in human head and neck squamous cell carcinoma

Cannabidiol (CBD) has anti-tumorigenic activity. However, the anti-cancer effect of CBD on head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC) remains unclear. The cytotoxicity of CBD on HNSCC was analyzed using cell survival and colony-forming assays in vitro. RNA-seq was used for determining the mechanism underlying CBD-induced cell death.

A phase 1b randomised, placebo-controlled trial of nabiximols cannabinoid oromucosal spray with temozolomide in patients with recurrent glioblastoma

Preclinical data suggest some cannabinoids may exert antitumour effects against glioblastoma (GBM). Safety and preliminary efficacy of nabiximols oromucosal cannabinoid spray plus dose-intense temozolomide (DIT) was evaluated in patients with first recurrence of GBM.

Effect of cannabis on oxaliplatin-induced peripheral neuropathy among oncology patients: a retrospective analysis

Chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy (CIPN) is a common and dosage-limited oxaliplatin-related toxicity. To date, there are no successful interventions for CIPN prevention or treatment.

Therapeutic potential of cannabinoids in combination cancer therapy

SCC member Kenzi Riboulet-Zemouli identifies a coherent nomenclature for cannabis products (whether derived from Cannabis sativa L. or not). The paper was published in Drug Science, Policy and Law in December of 2020.

Short-Term Medical Cannabis Treatment Regimens Produced Beneficial Effects among Palliative Cancer Patients

Authors Joshua Aviram, Gil M. Lewitus, Yelena Vysotski, Anton Uribayev, Shiri Procaccia, Idan Cohen, Anca Leibovici, Mahmud Abo-Amna, Luiza Akria, Dmitry Goncharov, Neomi Mativ, Avia Kauffman, Ayelet Shai, Or Hazan,…

A Comprehensive Review of Cannabis in Patients with Cancer: Availability in the USA, General Efficacy, and Safety

Dylan Zylla, MD and colleagues give an overview of cannabis treatments for cancer patients. They provide guidance to clinicians on how to have informed discussions regarding their care.

Impact of Medical Cannabis on Patient-Reported Symptoms for Patients With Cancer Enrolled in Minnesota’s Medical Cannabis Program

Authors: Susan P Anderson, Dylan M Zylla, Deepa M McGriff, Tom J Arneson Published in Journal of Oncology Practice April 2019 Abstract Purpose: Minnesota’s medical cannabis program is unique, in that…

Oncology Clinicians and the Minnesota Medical Cannabis Program: A Survey on Medical Cannabis Practice Patterns, Barriers to Enrollment, and Educational Needs

Authors: Dylan Zylla, Grant Steele , Justin Eklund, Jeanne Mettner, Tom Arneson Published in Cannabis and cannabinoid research October 2018 Abstract Background:Medical cannabis has been available in the State of…

Cannabidiol (CBD) as a Promising Anti-Cancer Drug

Authors: Emily S. Seltzer, Andrea K. Watters, Danny MacKenzie, Jr., Lauren M. Granat and Dong Zhang Published in Cancers  October 2020 Abstract Recently, cannabinoids, such as cannabidiol (CBD) and Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol…

Cannabidiol and Oxygen-Ozone Combination Induce Cytotoxicity in Human Pancreatic Ductal Adenocarcinoma Cell Lines

Authors: Margherita Luongo, Oliviero Marinelli, Laura Zeppa, Cristina Aguzzi, Maria Beatrice Morelli, Consuelo Amantini, Andrea Frassineti, Marianne di Costanzo, Alessandro Fanelli, Giorgio Santoni, Massimo Nabissi Published in Cancers September 2020…

Preliminary Assessment of Medical Cannabis Consumption by Cancer Survivors

This study indicates that cancer survivors may indeed consume cannabis for symptom relief, and not merely for recreational purposes. More research is needed to study the adequate role that cannabis may have for treating symptoms associated with cancer survivorship.

Cannabis Consumption Used by Cancer Patients during Immunotherapy Correlates with Poor Clinical Outcome

Authors: Gil Bar-Sela, Cohen Idan, Salvatore Campisi-Pinto, Gil M Lewitus Published in Cancers August 2020 Abstract Cannabis or its derivatives are widely used by patients with cancer to help with…