Broad-Spectrum Antiviral Effect of Cannabidiol Against Enveloped and Nonenveloped Viruses

Cannabidiol (CBD), the main non-psychoactive cannabinoid of the Cannabis sativa plant, is a powerful antioxidant compound that in recent years has increased interest due to causes effects in a wide range of biological functions. Zika virus (ZIKV) is a virus transmitted mainly by the Aedes aegypti mosquitoes, which causes neurological diseases, such as microcephaly and Guillain-Barre syndrome. Although the frequency of viral outbreaks has increased recently, no vaccinations or particular chemotherapeutic treatments are available for ZIKV infection. The major aim of this study was to explore the in vitro antiviral activity of CBD against ZIKV, expanding also to other dissimilar viruses.

Emerging Therapeutic Potential of Cannabidiol (CBD) in Neurological Disorders: A Comprehensive Review

Δ9-Tetrahydrocannabinol (Δ9-THC) is a principal psychoactive extract of Cannabis sativa and has been traditionally used as palliative medicine for neuropathic pain. Cannabidiol (CBD), an extract of hemp species, has recently attracted increased attention as a cancer treatment, but Δ9-THC is also requiring explored pharmacological application. This study evaluated the pharmacological effects of Δ9-THC in two human colorectal cancer cell lines. We inves-tigated whether Δ9-THC treatment induces cell death in human colorectal cancer cells.

Cell death induction and intracellular vesicle formation in human colorectal cancer cells treated with Δ9 -Tetrahydrocannabinol

Δ9-Tetrahydrocannabinol (Δ9-THC) is a principal psychoactive extract of Cannabis sativa and has been traditionally used as palliative medicine for neuropathic pain. Cannabidiol (CBD), an extract of hemp species, has recently attracted increased attention as a cancer treatment, but Δ9-THC is also requiring explored pharmacological application. This study evaluated the pharmacological effects of Δ9-THC in two human colorectal cancer cell lines. We inves-tigated whether Δ9-THC treatment induces cell death in human colorectal cancer cells.

A Double-Blind, Randomized, Placebo-Controlled Study of the Safety and Effects of CBN With and Without CBD on Sleep Quality

The present study sought to determine the effects of cannabinol (CBN) alone and in combination with cannabidiol (CBD) on sleep quality. This was a double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled study conducted between May and November 2022. Participants were randomized to receive either (a) placebo, (b) 20 mg CBN, (c) 20 mg CBN + 10 mg CBD, (d) 20 mg CBN + 20 mg CBD, or (e) 20 mg CBN + 100 mg CBD for seven consecutive nights. Participants were 18–55 years of age who self-rated sleep quality as “very poor” or “poor.” The primary endpoint was sleep quality, while secondary endpoints included sleep onset latency, number of awakenings, wake after sleep onset (WASO), overall sleep disturbance, and daytime fatigue

The placental disposition of cannabidiol: an ex vivo perfusion study

In the absence of safety data in humans, the use of cannabidiol (CBD) is not recommended during pregnancy. Yet >50% of pregnancies in women with epilepsy are unintended, making fetal exposure to CBD possible. As a small-molecule, highly lipid-soluble drug, CBD is likely to distribute into the placenta and cross it. To estimate the placental distribution profile of CBD and its potential short-term placental effects, we conducted an ex vivo perfusion study in human placentas.

Anxiety severity and prescription medication utilization in first-time medical marijuana users

Anxiety and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) are qualifying psychiatric conditions for medical marijuana (MM) treatment in Pennsylvania. This study examined baseline prevalence and changes in prescription anxiety medication use three months following MM treatment initiation among individuals with these qualifying conditions. The study sample was comprised of 108 adults with anxiety or PTSD as a referring condition; they were enrolled in a longitudinal study evaluating biopsychosocial outcomes in new MM patients. Consenting participants completed an assessment battery at baseline and Month 3 (n = 94, 87 % follow-up rate) that included a measure of anxiety severity and questions about current anxiety medication prescription and desired (baseline) and actual (Month 3) reductions in medication use.

Minor, Nonterpenoid Volatile Compounds Drive the Aroma Differences of Exotic Cannabis

Cannabis sativa L. produces a wide variety of volatile secondary metabolites that contribute to its unique aroma. The major volatile constituents include monoterpenes, sesquiterpenes, and their oxygenated derivates. In particular, the compounds ß-myrcene, D-(+)-limonene, ß-caryophyllene, and terpinolene are often found in greatest amounts, which has led to their use in chemotaxonomic classification schemes and legal Cannabis sativa L. product labeling. While these compounds contribute to the characteristic aroma of Cannabis sativa L. and may help differentiate varieties on a broad level, their importance in producing specific aromas is not well understood. Here, we show that across Cannabis sativa L. varieties with divergent aromas, terpene expression remains remarkably similar, indicating their benign contribution to these unique, specific scents.

Anti-proliferative effect of Cannabidiol in Prostate cancer cell PC3 is mediated by apoptotic cell death, NFκB activation, increased oxidative stress, and lower reduced glutathione status

Prostate cancer is the second most frequent cancer diagnosed in men in the world today. Almost all prostate cancers are adenocarcinomas and develop from gland cells. We used the PC3 prostate cancer cell line, which is well studied and derived from a bone metastasis of a grade IV prostatic adenocarcinoma. Cannabidiol (CBD), a major non-psychoactive constituent of cannabis, is a cannabinoid with anti-tumor properties but its effects on prostate cancer cells are not studied in detail. Here, we found cannabidiol decreased prostate cancer cell (PC3) viability up to 37.25% and induced apoptotic cell death in a time and dose-dependent manner. We found that CBD activated the caspases 3/7 pathways and increased DNA fragmentation. Furthermore, we observed an increase of pro-apoptotic genes Bax, an increased level of reactive oxygen species, lower reduced glutathione level, and altered mitochondrial potential in response to CBD treatment leading to lower cellular ATP. Overall, our results suggest that CBD may be effective against prostate cancer cells.

From ancient Asian relics to contemporaneity: A review of historical and chemical aspects of Cannabis

From the Himalayan mountains to the South American coast, Cannabis, a general term for plants of the
genus Cannabis, with thousands of years of contact with humankind, shows its versatility as food tools
such as hemp, religious and hedonistic input, and other purposes through the millennia, according to the
populations in question. In this paper, a review of the context of the use of Cannabis and its place in world
history is presented, from ancient Mesopotamian relics, traditional Chinese and Ayurvedic medicines, to
the reasoning behind the isolation and structural elucidation of three phytocannabinoids and the spread
of Cannabis throughout the world.

The Pharmacological Case for Cannabigerol

Medical cannabis and individual cannabinoids, such as Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol (Δ9-THC) and cannabidiol (CBD), are receiving growing attention in both the media and the scientific literature. The Cannabis plant, however, produces over 100 different cannabinoids, and cannabigerol (CBG) serves as the precursor molecule for the most abundant phytocannabinoids. CBG exhibits affinity and activity characteristics between Δ9-THC and CBD at the cannabinoid receptors but appears to be unique in its interactions with α-2 adrenoceptors and 5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT1A). Studies indicate that CBG may have therapeutic potential in treating neurologic disorders (e.g., Huntington disease, Parkinson disease, and multiple sclerosis) and inflammatory bowel disease, as well as having antibacterial activity. There is growing interest in the commercial use of this unregulated phytocannabinoid. This review focuses on the unique pharmacology of CBG, our current knowledge of its possible therapeutic utility, and its potential toxicological hazards.

Cannabidiol attenuates inflammatory impairment of intestinal cells expanding biomaterial-based therapeutic approaches

Cannabis-based biomaterials have the potential to deliver anti-inflammatory therapeutics specifically to desired cells, tissues, and organs, enhancing drug delivery and the effectiveness of anti-inflammatory treatment while minimizing toxicity. As a major component of Cannabis, Cannabidiol (CBD) has gained major attention in recent years because of its potential therapeutic properties, e.g., for restoring a disturbed barrier resulting from inflammatory conditions. The aim of this study was to test the hypothesis that CBD has beneficial effects under normal and inflammatory conditions in the established non-transformed intestinal epithelial cell model IPEC-J2.

Cannabis use to manage stimulant cravings among people who use unregulated drugs

We sought to analyze the association between cannabis use to manage stimulant cravings and self-reported changes in stimulant use among structurally marginalized people who use unregulated drugs (PWUD). The data for this secondary analysis was collected from a cross-sectional questionnaire administered to people who concurrently use cannabis and unregulated stimulants in Vancouver, Canada. We used logistic regression models to analyze the association between cannabis use to manage stimulant cravings and self-reported changes in the frequency of stimulant use.