Soul Lounge Primetime: Cannabis & Social Equity [VIDEO]

The adult use of cannabis has been legalized in various states in the USA. But issues surrounding social justice, social equity, and inclusion in the cannabis industry remain unclear.

Safety Considerations in Cannabinoid-Based Medicine

Authors Joshua Aviram, Gil M. Lewitus, Yelena Vysotski, Anton Uribayev, Shiri Procaccia, Idan Cohen, Anca Leibovici, Mahmud Abo-Amna, Luiza Akria, Dmitry Goncharov, Neomi Mativ, Avia Kauffman, Ayelet Shai, Or Hazan,…

Short-Term Medical Cannabis Treatment Regimens Produced Beneficial Effects among Palliative Cancer Patients

Authors Joshua Aviram, Gil M. Lewitus, Yelena Vysotski, Anton Uribayev, Shiri Procaccia, Idan Cohen, Anca Leibovici, Mahmud Abo-Amna, Luiza Akria, Dmitry Goncharov, Neomi Mativ, Avia Kauffman, Ayelet Shai, Or Hazan,…

Cultivating a Deeper Relationship with Cannabis Medicine

James Brent, DDS explores the deeper connection healthcare professionals can have with the cannabis plant inspired from the herbalist perspective.

Cannabidiol A Race To Relief

Authors: Nishi Whiteley and Ethan Russo, MD Published in HerbalGram 2020 Introduction Few chemical compounds have enjoyed such a rapid ascent to market acceptance and consumer popularity as CBD. According…

Molecular Targets of Cannabidiol in Experimental Models of Neurological Disease

Authors: Serena Silvestro, Giovanni Schepici, Placido Bramanti, and Emanuela Mazzon Published in Molecules November 2020 Abstract The Cannabis sativa plant contains more than 120 cannabinoids. With the exceptions of ∆9-Cannabidiol…

In vitro and in vivo pharmacological activity of minor cannabinoids isolated from Cannabis sativa

Authors: Ayat Zagzoog, Kawthar A. Mohamed, Hye Ji J. Kim, Eunhyun D. Kim, Connor S. Frank, Tallan Black, Pramodkumar D. Jadhav, Larry A. Holbrook & Robert B. Laprairie Published in…

Use of Cannabinoids to Treat Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome and Cytokine Storm Associated with Coronavirus Disease-2019

Authors: Prakash Nagarkatti, Kathryn Miranda and Mitzi Nagarkatti Published in Frontiers in Pharmacology November 2020 Abstract Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is a highly infectious respiratory disease caused by the severe…

Experience of Migraine, its Severity, and Perceived Efficacy of Treatments among Cannabis Users

A study from Complementary Therapies in Medicine in 2020 examines patterns of cannabis use and its associated relief among migraineurs.

A Comprehensive Review of Cannabis in Patients with Cancer: Availability in the USA, General Efficacy, and Safety

Dylan Zylla, MD and colleagues give an overview of cannabis treatments for cancer patients. They provide guidance to clinicians on how to have informed discussions regarding their care.

Impact of Medical Cannabis on Patient-Reported Symptoms for Patients With Cancer Enrolled in Minnesota’s Medical Cannabis Program

Authors: Susan P Anderson, Dylan M Zylla, Deepa M McGriff, Tom J Arneson Published in Journal of Oncology Practice April 2019 Abstract Purpose: Minnesota’s medical cannabis program is unique, in that…

Oncology Clinicians and the Minnesota Medical Cannabis Program: A Survey on Medical Cannabis Practice Patterns, Barriers to Enrollment, and Educational Needs

Authors: Dylan Zylla, Grant Steele , Justin Eklund, Jeanne Mettner, Tom Arneson Published in Cannabis and cannabinoid research October 2018 Abstract Background:Medical cannabis has been available in the State of…