Dr Salim Razak
Thursday, 28 November 2019 from 09:00 to 17:00 (GMT)
Winterbourne, United Kingdom
Bringing together leading figures in cannabis prescribing, mental health, epilepsy and chronic pain, the conference will explore the role of medical cannabis in the treatment of a range of medical conditions, good medical practice and obstacles to prescribing.
Confirmed speakers include
- Professor Mike Barnes, Consultant Neurologist and Medical Cannabis Specialist
- Dr Rohit Shankar, MBE, Consultant Developmental Neuropsychiatrist and Epilepsy specialist
- Hannah Deacon, mother and patient advocacy specialist, involved in the first legal prescription of medical cannabis
- Dr David McDowell, Consultant Pain Specialist, lead at Britains first medical cannabis clinic
- Medical Cannabis, a potted history
- Alfies story – The legal status of Cannabis changed to allow Alfie Dingly to be prescribed Cannabis for epilepsy. His mother tells the story of their journey.
- Cannabis and epilepsy, the evidence for and against
- Cannabis in the treatment of chronic pain
- Cannabis and mental health – panacea or next gen snake oil?
- Legal status of cannabis, a UK and global perspective (UK legal status, examples of different models across the world e.g. USA, Canada etc)
- Cannabis prescribing clinics – the challenges (governance, logistics etc)
View official event page here.