February Cerium Journal Club – Decoding the Clinical Spectrum of Semisynthetic Cannabinoid Toxicity (Host: Jahan Marcu)

About Decoding the Clinical Spectrum of Semisynthetic Cannabinoid Toxicity Event Description: This journal club will explore the rising public health concern of semisynthetic cannabinoids (SSCs), focusing on their toxicity and the increasing reports of associated adverse events. SSCs, such as hexahydrocannabinol (HHC), are often marketed as legal alternatives to traditional cannabis, but they can have...

CannaConnect: February Members Call — Cannabis & Sex (Hosted by Dr. Windi Muraszka)

About Welcome to our members-only event series, CannaConnect! You are invited to attend the February meeting, hosted by SCC Board Member, Dr. Windi Muraszka, for a conversational gathering to meet and network with other members. She will be presenting newly released research on the topic of cannabis and sex. Join us to ask any questions...

SCC Quarterly Meeting: Exploring Evidence-Based Cannabis Treatment Algorithms with CannaKeys

About Join us to hear from SCC partner, CannaKeys. The CannaKeys team strives to demystify the emerging field of the cannabinoid health sciences and reinforce the proper pathways for patient care utilizing cannabis and related therapies. They do this by creating platforms that offer easy access to the published science, aggregated critical data points, and...