Featured Member

Guilherme Nery, MD
Cannabis changed my life the first moment it got in: I specifically remember the feeling of finally being able to pay attention to everything around me and to feel my emotions deeper."
How/Why did you first become interested in medical cannabis?
Cannabis Changed my life the first moment it got in; I specificaly remember the feeling of finally been able to pay attention to everything around me and to feel my emotions deeper.
What is your background in medical cannabis?
I have 6 years of practice in Medical Cannabis as a Cannabis Doctor in NorthEastern Brazil, now im CEO of the "Cannabis Na Prática" Educational Foundation. (Translate to Cannabis in Practice).
What are you currently working on professionally? Personally?
I'm a Titular Professor at Unifacisa's University of Northeastern Brazil, lecturing Semiology, Specifics Skills Lab, and Emergency. [I am] currently developing the Post-Graduation Course in the same university, and with new incoming classes for the Cannabis Na Prática Free course.
What attracted you to the SCC and/or what do you enjoy most about this community?
International community with a big background on Medical Cannabis History, with lots of influential networking and scientific up-to-dates.
What are your hopes for the future of cannabis medicine?
I hope every country such as mine, get a free relation with Cannabis, but understanding Education is the key to Good Health and we cant understand Medical Cannabis without serious Education for both Doctors and General Public.
Is there anything else about yourself you would like to share?
I'm also a Musician and Multi-instrumentalist in my few spare hours. I love to stream my guitars and to make music with my friends, Also I love to travel and to Surf! Living in Brazil makes it very easy for me to achieve! I also love to teach, the teacher job got into my life to bring the sense of purpose I was missing to complete my mind
Medical Cannabis is only a reality in Brazil for the past 10 years or so, and I took a while to realize that, once I did it, I felt finally freed from the prejudice I've always suffered and now, finally, we scientists from that fields are getting some kind of validation and recognition, its a very warm feeling.
I'm looking forward to make my contribution to the scientific studies of cannabis! and hope one day our universities here could think the same!