Report of a parent survey of cannabidiol-enriched cannabis use in pediatric treatment-resistant epilepsy.

Authors: Brenda E. Porter, Catherine Jacobson
Epilepsy & Behavior, December 2013

Severe childhood epilepsies are characterized by frequent seizures, neurodevelopmental delays, and impaired quality of life. In these treatment-resistant epilepsies, families often seek alternative treatments. This survey explored the use of cannabidiol-enriched cannabis in ch…

Primary gliosarcoma of the brain: radiologic and histopathologic features.

Authors: Alfredo E. Romero-Rojas, Julio A. Diaz-Perez, Lina M. Ariza-Serrano, et al
The Neuroradiology Journal, December 2013

Gliosarcoma is a rare central nervous system (CNS) neoplasm with biphasic glial and non-glial malignant components. Here we describe the radiologic and histopathologic features observed in five cases of primary gliosarcoma. The mean age at diagnosis in the studied patients was…

Cannabinoid CB2 receptors regulate central sensitization and pain responses associated with osteoarthritis of the knee joint.

Authors: James J. Burston, Devi Rani Sagar, Pin Shao, Mingfeng Bai, Emma King, Louis Brailsford, et al
PLoS One, 25 November 2013

Osteoarthritis (OA) of the joint is a prevalent disease accompanied by chronic, debilitating pain. Recent clinical evidence has demonstrated that central sensitization contributes to OA pain. An improved understanding of how OA joint pathology impacts upon the central processi…

Cannabinoid receptor type 2, but not type 1, is up-regulated in peripheral blood mononuclear cells of children affected by autistic disorders.

Authors: Dario Siniscalco, Anna Sapone, Catia Giordano, Alessandra Cirillo, Laura de Magistris, et al
Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, November 2013

Autistic disorders (ADs) are heterogeneous neurodevelopmental disorders arised by the interaction of genes and environmental factors. Dysfunctions in social interaction and communication skills, repetitive and stereotypic verbal and non-verbal behaviours are common features of…

Cannabis induces a clinical response in patients with Crohn’s disease: a prospective placebo-controlled study.

Authors: Timna Naftali, Timna Naftali, Lihi Bar-Lev Schleider, Iris Dotan, Ephraim Philip Lansky, et al
Clinical Gastroenterology and Hepatology, October 2013

BACKGROUND & AIMS: The marijuana plant Cannabis sativa has been reported to produce beneficial effects for patients with inflammatory bowel diseases, but this has not been investigated in controlled trials. We performed a prospective trial to determine whether cannabis can ind…

Enhancing the activity of cannabidiol and other cannabinoids in vitro through modifications to drug combinations and treatment schedules.

Authors: Katherine Ann Scott, Sini Shah, Angus George Dalgleish, Wai Man Liu
Anticancer Research, October 2013

Cannabinoids are the bioactive components of the Cannabis plant that display a diverse range of therapeutic qualities. We explored the activity of six cannabinoids, used both alone and in combination in leukaemic cells. Cannabinoids were cytostatic and caused a simultaneous ar…

Epigenetic control of skin differentiation genes by phytocannabinoids.

Authors: Mariangela Pucci, Cinzia Rapino, Andrea Di Francesco, Enrico Dainese, et al
British Journal of Pharmacology, October 2013

BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: Endocannabinoid signalling has been shown to have a role in the control of epidermal physiology, whereby anandamide is able to regulate the expression of skin differentiation genes through DNA methylation. Here, we investigated the possible epigenetic r…

Pregnancy, breast-feeding, and marijuana: a review article.

Authors: Meg Hill, Kathryn Reed
Obstetrical & Gynecological Survey, October 2013

Marijuana is a commonly used drug. At present, it remains an illegal substance in most areas of the United States. Recent controversy regarding the perceived harms of this drug has resulted in debate in both legal and medical circles. This review examines evidence regarding th…

Elevated brain cannabinoid CB1 receptor availability in post-traumatic stress disorder: a positron emission tomography study.

Authors: A Neumeister, M D Normandin, R H Pietrzak, D Piomelli, M Q Zheng, A Gujarro-Anton, et al
Molecular Psychiatry, September 2013

Endocannabinoids and their attending cannabinoid type 1 (CB1) receptor have been implicated in animal models of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). However, their specific role has not been studied in people with PTSD. Herein, we present an in vivo imaging study using posit…

Comparison of the analgesic effects of dronabinol and smoked marijuana in daily marijuana smokers.

Authors: Ziva D. Cooper, Sandra D. Comer, Margaret Haney
Neuropsychopharmacology, September 2013

Recent studies have demonstrated the therapeutic potential of cannabinoids to treat pain, yet none have compared the analgesic effectiveness of smoked marijuana to orally administered Δ(9)-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC; dronabinol). This randomized, placebo-controlled, double-dumm…

The endocannabinoid system as a possible target to treat both the cognitive and emotional features of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a psychiatric disorder of significant prevalence and morbidity, whose pathogenesis relies on paradoxical changes of emotional memory processing. An ideal treatment would be a drug able to block the pathological over-consolidation and continuous retrieval of the traumatic event, while enhancing its extinction and reducing the anxiety symptoms.

Survey of Psychiatrists On Medical Cannabis

Psychiatric Times invited psychiatrists to complete a survey about medicinal marijuana and didn’t expect nearly 2200 people to complete that survey in just a few days. The results, reported in…