Cannabis in palliative medicine: improving care and reducing opioid-related morbidity.

Authors: Gregory T. Carter, Aaron M. Flanagan, Mitchell Earleywine, Donald I. Abrams, et al
American Journal of Hospice and Palliative Medicine, August 2011

Unlike hospice, long-term drug safety is an important issue in palliative medicine. Opioids may produce significant morbidity. Cannabis is a safer alternative with broad applicability for palliative care. Yet the Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) classifies cannabis as Schedule I…

Pathways mediating the effects of cannabidiol on the reduction of breast cancer cell proliferation, invasion, and metastasis.

Authors: Sean D. McAllister, Ryuichi Murase, Rigel T. Christian, Darryl Lau, Anne J. Zielinski, et al
Breast Cancer Research and Treatment, August 2011

Invasion and metastasis of aggressive breast cancer cells are the final and fatal steps during cancer progression. Clinically, there are still limited therapeutic interventions for aggressive and metastatic breast cancers available. Therefore, effective, targeted, and non-toxi…

Treatment of Crohn’s disease with cannabis: an observational study.

Authors: T. Naftali, L. Bar Lev, D. Yablekovitz, E. Half, F.M. Konikoff
Israel Medical Association Journal, August 2011

BACKGROUND: The marijuana plant cannabis is known to have therapeutic effects, including improvement of inflammatory processes. However, no report of patients using cannabis for Crohn’s disease (CD) was ever published. OBJECTIVES: To describe the effects of cannabis use in pat…

SCC Hears McAllister On Cannabis Cancer Research

Researchers have discovered that CBD (Cannabidiol) is a very potent inhibitor of breast cancer metastasis. Doctors who monitor cannabis use by patients were bursting with questions during a talk by Sean McAllister, PhD, who has been studying the anti-cancer effects of cannabinoids in the laboratory.

Anti-tumoral action of cannabinoids on hepatocellular carcinoma: role of AMPK-dependent activation of autophagy.

Authors: D. Vara, M. Salazar, N. Olea-Herrero, M. Guzmán, G. Velasco, I. Díaz-Laviada
Cell Death and Differentiation, July 2011

Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is the third cause of cancer-related death worldwide. When these tumors are in advanced stages, few therapeutic options are available. Therefore, it is essential to search for new treatments to fight this disease. In this study, we investigated t…

Cannabidiol induces programmed cell death in breast cancer cells by coordinating the cross-talk between apoptosis and autophagy.

Authors: Ashutosh Shrivastava, Paula M. Kuzontkoski, Jerome E. Groopman, Anil Prasad
Molecular Cancer Therapeutics, July 2011

Cannabidiol (CBD), a major nonpsychoactive constituent of cannabis, is considered an antineoplastic agent on the basis of its in vitro and in vivo activity against tumor cells. However, the exact molecular mechanism through which CBD mediates this activity is yet to be elucida…

Endocannabinoids modulate human epidermal keratinocyte proliferation and survival via the sequential engagement of cannabinoid receptor-1 and transient receptor potential vanilloid-1.

Authors: Balázs I. Tóth, Nóra Dobrosi, Angéla Dajnoki, Gabriella Czifra, Attila Oláh, et al
Journal of Investigative Dermatology, May 2011

We have recently shown that lipid mediators of the emerging endocannabinoid system (ECS) are key players of growth control of the human pilosebaceous unit. In this study, we asked whether the prototypic endocannabinoid anandamide (N-arachidonoylethanolamine, AEA) has a role in…

Cannabidiol reduces the anxiety induced by simulated public speaking in treatment-naïve social phobia patients.

Authors: Mateus M Bergamaschi, Regina Helena Costa Queiroz, Marcos Hortes Nisihara Chagas, Danielle Chaves Gomes de Oliveira, Bruno Spinosa De Martinis, Flávio Kapczinski, João Quevedo, et al.
Neuropsychopharmacology, May 2011

Generalized Social Anxiety Disorder (SAD) is one of the most common anxiety conditions with impairment in social life. Cannabidiol (CBD), one major non-psychotomimetic compound of the cannabis sativa plant, has shown anxiolytic effects both in humans and in animals. This preli…

Inhibition of basal and ultraviolet B-induced melanogenesis by cannabinoid CB(1) receptors: a keratinocyte-dependent effect.

Authors: Sofia Magina, Carina Esteves-Pinto, Eduardo Moura, Maria Paula Serrão, et al
Archives of Dermatological Research, April 2011

Ultraviolet radiation is the major environmental insult to the skin and stimulates the synthesis of melanin in melanocytes, which then distribute it to the neighboring keratinocytes where it confers photo-protection. Skin color results from the paracrine interaction between th…

Spontaneous regression of septum pellucidum/forniceal pilocytic astrocytomas–possible role of Cannabis inhalation.

Authors: Mansoor Foroughi, Glenda Hendson, Michael A. Sargent, Paul Steinbok
Child’s Nervous System, DATE

INTRODUCTION: Spontaneous regression of pilocytic astrocytoma after incomplete resection is well recognized, especially for cerebellar and optic pathway tumors, and tumors associated with Neurofibromatosis type-1 (NF1). The purpose of this report is to document spontaneous reg…

Cannabinoid hyperemesis: a case series.

Authors: Michael W. Donnino, Michael N. Cocchi, Joseph Miller, Jonathan Fisher
The Journal of Emergency Medicine, April 2011

BACKGROUND: Cannabinoid use is prevalent in the United States, with recent reports of increased usage among younger Americans. Traditionally, cannabinoids have been used recreationally or as antiemetics; however, recent reports suggest that chronic abuse can result in the para…

Role of cannabinoids in multiple sclerosis.

Authors: John P. Zajicek, Vicentiu I. Apostu
CNS Drugs, March 2011

Although extracts from the cannabis plant have been used medicinally for thousands of years, it is only within the last 2 decades that our understanding of cannabinoid physiology and the provision of evidence for therapeutic benefit of cannabinoids has begun to accumulate. Thi…