Dosage and Delivery of Cannabis Medicine
Deborah Malka, MD, PhD breaks down the complexities of cannabis dosing and outlines the various modes of delivery. At the end of this course, participants will understand why the choice of delivery is important, how this alters dosing considerations, and the uniqueness of cannabis as opposed to single molecule medicines. Dr. Malka details the pros and cons of the most common methods of delivery (smoking, vaporization, edibles, oromucosal/sublingual, rectal/vaginal, topical, and raw forms) and addresses how to manage tolerance.
*Includes a certificate of completion
This module is available individually or as part of a 5 or 12 course package:
5 Course Package: Basics
12 Course Package: Basics + Clinical Courses
Connect with healthcare professionals around the globe to get the most up-to-date medical cannabis information.
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The curriculum brings hands-on practical guidance on how to develop personalized treatment regimens and more.