
Is it the Ideal Time to Start Prescribing Cannabis Derivatives to Treat Endometriosis-associated Pain?

Endometriosis affects 5%-10% of women of reproductive age and is often associated with painful symptoms like dysmenorrhea, dyschezia, dyspareunia, and even non cyclical pain. The disease is diagnosed in at least 20% of women with dysmenorrhea and/or non-menstrual pelvic pain, reaching a prevalence of 50% pain among adolescents. There is an alignment among international societies3,4 that the pre- sumed diagnosis of this disease is enough to start clinical treatment. Moreover, there seems to be a consensus that first-line treatment should be hormonal contraceptives since the efficacy is similar to that of surgery but with lower complication rates and costs. However, these drugs are
effective in only approximately two-thirds of patients, have limited long-term efficacy and may occasionally lead to undesirable side effects. Additionally, there are serious limitations in the interpretation of clinical trials.

Anticancer properties of cannabidiol and Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol and synergistic effects with gemcitabine and cisplatin in bladder cancer cell lines

With the legalization of cannabis in multiple jurisdictions throughout the world, a larger proportion of the population consumes cannabis. Several studies have demonstrated anti-tumor effects of components present in cannabis in different models. Unfortunately, little is known about the potential anti-tumoral effects of cannabinoids in bladder cancer, and how cannabinoids could potentially synergize with chemotherapeutic agents. Our study aims to identify whether a combination of cannabinoids, like cannabidiol and Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol with agents commonly used to treat bladder cancer, such as gemcitabine and cisplatin, is able to produce desirable synergistic effects. We also evaluated whether co-treatment of different cannabinoids also generated synergistic effects.

Can cannabis kill? Characteristics of deaths following cannabis use in England (1998–2020)

Cannabis is the most widely used illegal drug but is rarely considered a causal factor in death. This study aimed to understand trends in deaths in England where cannabinoids were detected at post-mortem, and to evaluate the clinical utility of post-mortem cannabinoid concentrations in coronial investigations.

Anti-cancer properties of cannflavin A and potential synergistic effects with gemcitabine, cisplatin, and cannabinoids in bladder cancer

Authors Andrea M. Tomko, Erin G. Whynot & Denis J. Dupré Published 22 July, 2022 DOI: 10.1186/s42238-022-00151-y Citations Tomko, A.M., Whynot, E.G. & Dupré, D.J. Anti-cancer properties of cannflavin A…

Current controversies in medical cannabis: Recent developments in human clinical applications and potential therapeutics

Knowledge about the therapeutic potential of medical cannabis has greatly improved over the past decade, with an ever-increasing range of developments in human clinical applications. A growing body of scientific evidence supports the use of medical cannabis products for some therapeutic indications, whilst for others, the evidence base remains disputed. For this narrative review, we incorporate areas where the current evidence base is substantial, such as intractable childhood epilepsy and multiple sclerosis, as well as areas where the evidence is still controversial, such as PTSD and anxiety.

Safety Considerations in Cannabinoid-Based Medicine

Authors Joshua Aviram, Gil M. Lewitus, Yelena Vysotski, Anton Uribayev, Shiri Procaccia, Idan Cohen, Anca Leibovici, Mahmud Abo-Amna, Luiza Akria, Dmitry Goncharov, Neomi Mativ, Avia Kauffman, Ayelet Shai, Or Hazan,…