
Analgesic Potential of Terpenes Derived from Cannabis sativa

Decades of research have improved our knowledge of cannabis polypharmacy and contributing phytochemicals, including terpenes. Reform of the legal status for cannabis possession and increased availability (medicinal and recreational) have resulted in cannabis use to combat the increasing prevalence of pain and may help to address the opioid crisis. Better understanding of the pharmacological effects of cannabis and its active components, including terpenes, may assist in identifying new therapeutic approaches and optimizing the use of cannabis and/or terpenes as analgesic agents.

Terpenes/Terpenoids in Cannabis: Are They Important?

Authors: Hanuš LO. · Hod Y. Published in Karger  August 2020 Abstract Cannabis sativa plant has not only cannabinoids as crucial compounds but also the other compounds that play important role…

Patterns of medicinal cannabis use, strain analysis, and substitution effect among patients with migraine, headache, arthritis, and chronic pain in a medicinal cannabis cohort

Author: Eric P. Baron, Philippe Lucas, Joshua Eades & Olivia Hogue Published in The Journal of Headache and Pain May 2018 Abstract Background  Medicinal cannabis registries typically report pain as the…