
Impact of Marijuana Use on Lung Health

The widespread use of marijuana in the context of increasing legalization has both short- and long-term health implications. Although various modes of marijuana use—smoked, vaped, or ingested—may lead to a wide scope of potential systemic effects, we focus here on inhalational use of marijuana as the most common mode with the lung as the organ that is most directly exposed to its effects. Smoked marijuana has been associated with symptoms of chronic bronchitis and histopathologic changes in airway epithelium, but without consistent evidence of long-term decline in pulmonary function. Its role in immunomodulation, both for risk of infection and protection against a hyperinflammatory host response to infection, has been suggested in animal models and in vitro without conclusive extrapolation to humans. Marijuana smoke contains carcinogens like those found in tobacco, raising concern about its role in lung cancer, but evidence is mixed and made challenging by concurrent tobacco use.