The prevalence of medical cannabis (MC) use in patients with cancer is growing, but questions about safety, efficacy, and dosing remain. Conducting randomized, controlled trials (RCTs) using state-sponsored MC programs is novel and could provide data needed to guide patients and providers. Smith Smith2025-02-04 14:33:562025-02-04 14:33:56A Retrospective Medical Record Review of Adults with Non-Cancer Diagnoses Prescribed Medicinal Cannabis
The prevalence of medical cannabis (MC) use in patients with cancer is growing, but questions about safety, efficacy, and dosing remain. Conducting randomized, controlled trials (RCTs) using state-sponsored MC programs is novel and could provide data needed to guide patients and providers. Smith Smith2025-02-04 05:35:162025-02-04 05:35:16A randomized trial of medical cannabis in patients with stage IV cancers to assess feasibility, dose requirements, impact on pain and opioid use, safety, and overall patient satisfaction
Cannabinoids are a diverse group of compounds under investigation for various medical purposes, including analgesia. Given the evolving landscape of cannabinoid use, we aimed to analyze their prevalence and effect in pain management among urban orthopedic hand patients. An electronic survey was administered to 122 new patients presenting to the orthopedic hand clinic of a major urban academic hospital. Demographic data, numerical rating scale pain scores, cannabinoid usage, and other concomitant pain regimens were recorded. Smith Smith2024-11-05 08:16:242024-11-05 08:16:24Prevalence and Effect of Cannabinoids in Pain Management for Hand Pathologies
Chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy (CIPN) is one of the most prevalent and dose-limiting complications in chemotherapy patients. One identified mechanism underlying CIPN is neuroinflammation. Most of this research has been conducted in only male or female rodent models, making direct comparisons regarding the role of sex differences in the neuroimmune underpinnings of CIPN limited. Moreover, most measurements have focused on the dorsal root ganglia (DRG) and/or spinal cord, while relatively few studies have been aimed at characterizing neuroinflammation in the brain, for example the periaqueductal grey (PAG). The overall goals of the present study were to determine (1) paclitaxel-associated changes in markers of inflammation in the PAG and DRG in male and female C57Bl6 mice and (2) determine the effect of prophylactic administration of an anti- inflammatory cannabinoid, cannabigerol (CBG). Smith Smith2024-08-27 14:40:202024-08-27 14:40:20Paclitaxel-Associated Mechanical Sensitivity and Neuroinflammation Are Sex-, Time-, and Site-Specific and Prevented through Cannabigerol Administration in C57Bl/6 Mice
The belief that cannabis has analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties continues to attract patients with chronic musculoskeletal (MSK) pain towards its use. However, the role that cannabis will play in the management of chronic MSK pain remains to be determined. This study examined 1) the rate, patterns of use, and self-reported efficacy of cannabis use among patients with chronic MSK pain and 2) the interest and potential barriers to cannabis use among patients with chronic MSK pain not currently using cannabis. Smith Smith2024-07-23 12:07:092024-07-23 12:07:09Understanding the epidemiology and perceived efficacy of cannabis use in patients with chronic musculoskeletal pain
Pain is an ancient medical complaint and a clinical riddle that has never been entirely solved. Looking back into history was the springboard to a look into the future of pain medicine. This article was based on a series of presentations given in a recent congress (May 2023) and represents the research, views, and opinions of the authors.
In the past decade, significant advancements have been made in understanding the brain regions and neuronal circuits regulating neurological behaviors. The endocannabinoid (eCB) system, which is ubiquitously distributed in the brain and extensively involved in synaptic modulation, has been believed to play potential roles in neuronal circuit processes and related disorders. Although eCB-based pharmacological studies have made some clinical achievements, they still often encounter conflicting reports or undesired effects due to global manipulation of manifold brain regions and neuronal circuits, which impede the therapeutic application of eCB-based medications. In this review, we are devoted to discussing the versatile forms of eCB-mediated synaptic plasticity and dissecting currently well-studied specific cannabinoid circuits involved in behavioral domains which are closely linked to the organism’s survival and life quality, such as pain perception and stress-related emotion disorders. By gaining new insights into selective cannabinoid control in circuits, we can potentially mitigate the drawbacks of traditional pharmacology and facilitate the development of precision medicine with novel therapeutic strategies and drug discoveries. Smith Smith2023-10-02 14:41:372023-10-02 14:41:37Cannabinoid modulations of pain and stress related circuits
While cannabis-based medicine is being commonly used in patients with movement disorders, there is a scarcity of publications regarding the effect of cannabis on dystonia. We aimed to describe medical cannabis use in patients with dystonia and related pain. We employed a structured interview to obtain data on the cannabis treatment regimen, perception of effectiveness and side effect profile. Eligible participants were patients diagnosed with dystonia from the movement disorders unit at the Tel-Aviv Medical Center who had used licensed medical cannabis between January 2019 and January 2021. Smith Smith2023-07-29 10:21:312023-07-29 10:21:31A single-center real-life study on the use of medical cannabis in patients with dystonia
Given the myriad of negative sequalae associated with cancer and its treatment, the palliative use of cannabis by cancer patients is increasingly of special interest. This research sought to explore associations of acute and sustained use of legal market edible cannabis products on pain, cognition, and quality of life in a group of cancer patients. In this observational study, cancer patients completed a baseline appointment, a two-week ad libitum cannabis use period, and an acute administration appointment that included assessments before cannabis use, one-hour post-use, and two-hour post-use. Participants completed self-report questionnaires related to the primary outcomes and the Stroop task as a measure of objective cognitive function. Smith Smith2023-05-05 18:12:522023-05-05 18:12:52Cannabis use in cancer patients: acute and sustained associations with pain, cognition, and quality of life
Research describing patients using medicinal cannabis and its effectiveness is lacking. We aimed to describe adults with non-cancer diagnoses who are prescribed medicinal cannabis via a retrospective medical record review and assess its effectiveness and safety. From 157 Australian records, most were female (63.7%; mean age 63.0 years). Most patients had neurological (58.0%) or musculoskeletal (24.8%) conditions. Medicinal cannabis was perceived beneficial by 53.5% of patients. Smith Smith2023-03-18 07:00:492023-03-18 07:00:49A Retrospective Medical Record Review of Adults with Non-Cancer Diagnoses Prescribed Medicinal Cannabis
Mastocytosis patients often experience a number of symptoms, including mastocytosis-associated pain that is difficult to manage due to resistance to usual antalgic treatments and/or the patient’s poor tolerance. Mastocytosis patients display significantly higher levels of indoleamine-2,3-dioxygenase-1 (IDO1) activity, leading to hyperactivation of the N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor. As cannabidiol (CBD) is known to inhibit IDO1′s enzymatic activity, we hypothesized that pharmaceutical-grade CBD is an effective treatment for mastocytosis-associated pain. Patients with non-advanced mastocytosis and refractory pain were eligible for inclusion in this observational pilot study. Smith Smith2023-02-18 12:09:112023-02-18 12:13:36The Effectiveness and Safety of Pharmaceutical-Grade Cannabidiol in the Treatment of Mastocytosis-Associated Pain: A Pilot Study
Research describing patients using medicinal cannabis and its effectiveness is lacking. We aimed to describe adults with non-cancer diagnoses who are prescribed medicinal cannabis via a retrospective medical record review and assess its effectiveness and safety. From 157 Australian records, most were female (63.7%; mean age 63.0 years). Most patients had neurological (58.0%) or musculoskeletal (24.8%) conditions. Medicinal cannabis was perceived beneficial by 53.5% of patients. Smith Smith2023-02-18 08:32:472023-02-18 08:32:47A Retrospective Medical Record Review of Adults with Non-Cancer Diagnoses Prescribed Medicinal Cannabis